Sunday, March 27, 2011

Do You Believe In Healing Crystals?

Is using crystals for healing going against your Christian faith? While I touched on this topic in a previous post, I thought it needed to be looked at in more depth. I recently had a client to whom it was suggested using crystals and she felt it would go against her faith in GOD to use them. This is what led me to feel I needed to address this issue in more detail. I ask that you read the entire post before you make comments so you fully understand where this is going.

Please understand that I am using this client’s story with her permission. All readings and conversations resulting from those readings are always held in the strictest confidence, so without her permission I would not have used her story as a reference for this article. For the remainder of this article, I will refer to her as Ms. M.

Ms. M is the friend and fellow parishioner of one of my long time personal clients. Recently they were discussing rather or not they believed in the paranormal and psychics. My client confided in Ms. M that she did in fact believe in both and had been getting readings from me for many years. A few days after their conversation, Ms. M decided she would like to try a reading, however since she was skeptic and wasn’t sure she wanted anyone to know about it, she decided to answer an email for a free reading. She felt she had nothing to lose if the reading was free. The email sent her to an online site where she was connected to the person who owned the site. Instead of getting a full reading, she was only given a little information. The lady then tried to sell her a full reading and crystals that would help heal all that was wrong in her life, both being very expensive. Ms. M told the lady she wasn’t comfortable going any further and as she was a Christian, felt using the crystals were against her faith. The lady made some rude remarks about Ms. M being stupid and rather nasty remarks about her faith and clicked out.

Ms. M talked to her friend (my client) about the reading and the rudeness of the lady she had contacted. Her friend told her to go to my website, read the information I have on it, and if she felt comfortable to contact me letting me know she had referred her. I received her email and we decided to connect by phone to discuss my thoughts on crystal healing.

I assured her it was not my intent to change her belief or diminish her faith, just give her my own ideas on using crystals. While I currently do not practice a structured religion, I do have a strong faith in my beliefs. I believe that GOD created the universe, he is always around me and I can talk to him whenever I need. As I believe he created everything in nature, crystals are from the earth and part of his creation. Because they come from the earth and are not man made, they carry a very strong energy that can be used in may way, especially for healing energy. I cleanse them in salt water or with the smoke from sage and charge them in the moonlight. These again, are parts of nature and his creations. After a lengthy conversation, Ms. M was still unsure of how she felt about using crystals in regards to her faith but was interested in learning more about them. I suggested she might talk to her pastor about her conflict and get his ideas on whether or not it was against their faith. I also apologized to her on behalf of myself and many other ethical readers for her treatment by the other reader.

I’ve given you my beliefs on using crystals and how it fits into my faith. This in no way is meant to imply you should believe as I do, nor am I trying to influence your faith. Instead, it should be entirely your choice and your decision. However, if you do decide to use crystals and would like more information on their healing energies, I’d be glad to help you.

Now, in the beginning of this article I asked you read it through before adding comments and if you read this far, I thank you. I’ve given you my views and opinion, now I hope you’ll add your own.