Thursday, April 7, 2011

Positive Energy Vs. Negative Energy

I know you’ve heard me say this about a million times, if you put out positive energy it will attract positive energy, while putting out negative energy will attract negative energy.Do you want to see if it really works, read on and take my challenge?
A few months ago, I met a wonderful lady (who has given me permission to use our discussion) on the internet that asked me to help her with her own spiritual journey. We chat several times a week and it seems the main subject we most discuss is the need for her to change her mindset. We are currently in the process of getting her to stop saying I can’t and start believing she can do what she needs to make a better life for herself. One of the first things I noticed in our chats was her continual negative responses, so something we work at on a regular basis.
First of all, no you cannot always be positive and there will be times a negative thought crosses your mind. We are human and it’s human nature for this to happen, however, you can try to turn those negatives into something positive. Strictly speaking for myself, when I get a negative thought (yes, I’m human too and get them), I try to stop and see why I feel this way. Sometimes I have to step back from the situation, take a deep breath and see if I can change my own attitude. I wish I could say it works every time, but sometimes I just have to realize there are things happening in my life I can’t fix and try to get past it.
Bad things do happen to good people and sometimes it just isn’t your fault. For instance if you are driving down the road, another driver is texting and hits your car. No, you did not put out negative energy and cause this to happen. However, if you’re driving, angry because the traffic isn’t going fast enough, people are getting in your way, and the anger is causing you to be inattentive to the point you don’t see the traffic in front of you stopping and you hit someone else, that is a good example of negative energy bringing negative results.
I decided the best way to help my friend was to give her a challenge. For one 24 hour period she will try her best to put out only positive energy. If she starts to feel the negative creep in, she will stop, push it out of her mind and find something positive to replace it. On the second day, she will put out negative energy, allowing herself to spew her anger and frustrations with whatever she feels. I ask that she keep a notebook handy and write down how she feels, physically, emotionally and spiritually throughout the two days. At the end of the challenge we will evaluate what she has written and see how the changes affect her.
I realize there are many skeptics, naysayers, and just plain I don’t believers out there. It’s okay, I was at that place myself at one time. But, if you’ve read this far, I offer this same challenge to you. Are you up for it? I’d love to hear your ideas, comments or even rebuttal.
Now, who will take the challenge?
P.S. A big thanks to my dear friend in allowing me to use our discussion as a jumping off point for this blog article.

1 comment:

Quietsound(sm) Psychic Service said...


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